For Companies, Administrations, Consulting firms, Workers: keep up the pace, save time, perform and earn more thanks to our Certified Professional Training in current cutting-edge Digital Technology.

To face technological developments, save time, stay up to speed and feel comfortable at work, Executives/officers in Companies, Administrations, Consulting firms from any sector will find the greatest interest in our courses sanctioned by certifications.

Our Training and Certification offer covers a wide range of Cutting-edge Digital Skills (CAD/CAM/CAE) for the most varied profiles, with support for professional development in the workplace. Indeed, Technology constituting the booster of practically all sectors of the economy, being competent in trendy technology is essential whatever the sector of employment.

Today, the influence of computer-aided work in the workplace, due to digital technology, is such that it is difficult to imagine a project without its implementation, whatever the trade or sector of activity. We train and deliver professional certifications in digital skills specific to trades or of a generic and transversal nature:

§ CAD/CAM/CAE for Engineering Trades, Art and Craft Trades, …;

§ Digital Transversal to various trades or sectors, such as Office Automation, Project Planning and Management, Information Technology, Accounting & Finance, Data Processing,