Capitalize on your practical know-how, Leave precarity and become recognized Entrepreneurs in the Formal Economy with our "A la Carte Menus".

For having not been able to integrate decently into the formal production sector, “self-starters/enterprisers” have learned on the job and developed practical know-how in “small jobs” which they carry out without recognition, thus swelling the ranks of the informal sector.

CAD SKILLS CENTER INDIA offers an answer with ASI-A la Carte Menus, a system of ad-hoc Vocation Training Modules based on practical know-how on demand in the economic space. The modules are specially designed to facilitate the entry in the formal production sector through the creation of a business upon completion of the training.

As a matter of fact, a flourishing informal economic activity, which is synonymous with precarity, is easily observable on the streets of African cities and even on the outskirts. Many of the practitioners have a certain academic background, sometimes surprisingly comfortable. This is partly due to the mismatch between their education and the expectations in the economic space on the one hand, and the lack of an exit route on the other.

Prominent among our “A la Carte Menus” are intermediate technical services and trades in common demand: Office automation; Mobile phone repairing ; Solar/hybrid installation; Printed concrete; Epoxy resin decoration