For Universities, Advanced Schools, High Schools and Students: Develop Key Employability Skills during schooling, for a quick and decent social-occupational inclusion thanks to ASI-PEE modules.

For Educational Institutions and their Students, the Accompaniment for Social-occupational Inclusion through Preprofessional and Entrepreneurial Education (ASI-PEE) modules is a real boon to develop, during schooling, necessary non-disciplinary key employability skills.

Without these key competences, which generally are not included in the structure of conventional education course, many young people who have had a brilliant academic career are underemployed, endlessly looking for work and sometimes disguised as eternal doctoral students, whose numbers they then virtually swell.

The ASI-PEE offer is designed to anchor the school to the dynamics of the socio-economic context with its ever-changing professions, along the learner’s social-occupational inclusion itinerary broken down into three phases: Orientation and Career Choice; Ad hoc Training; Social-occupational Inclusion Research.

It is structured into Four Professional Anchoring Modules (PAM):

·     PAM1: Preparing and Engaging in one’s Personal Integration Project;

·     PAM2: Developing Key Employability Skills;

·     PAM3: Landing a Decent job;

·     PAM4: Embarking on the Entrepreneurship Venture.